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Heiko Logemann
digital problem solver
The definition of insanity is always doing the same thing and expecting different results
(Albert Einstein)
Made in Germany
date of birth
marital status
married, two daughters

professional activities :
01.07.2024 - today Digitization Consultant (Freelancer)
01.03.2024 - 30.06.2024 Head of BD & Innovations, Sales &Marketing, ppa LCSI GmbH
01.01.2022 – 29.02.2024 Head of Innovation LAB | Enterprise Consultant LCSI GmbH
01.10.2021 – today Lecturer at NSI (nds.Studieninstitut für Kommunalverwaltung)
in the topics TR03138, TR 03125 and use of low-code technologies for specialised procedure development
01.02.2021 – 31.12.2021 Lead Consultant EGovernment Materna Information & Communications SE Hannover office
01.03.2020 – 31.01.2021 eGovernment Consulting / Innovations, Public Sector Division, Bechtle Systemhaus Holding AG
23.07.2019 – heute Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Bachelor's degree programme in Computer Science at the Department of Automation and Computer Science at Harz University of Applied Sciences; initiator of the degree programme "Administrative Digitisation"
01.06.2019 – 29.02.2020 Solutions Architekt | Spezialist public sector, Bechtle Systemhaus Hannover
15.07.2018 – 31.05.2019 Governikus GmbH & Co KG - Partnermanagement / Solutions
01.03.2018 – 05.06.2018 RZH Rechenzentrum für Heilberufe GmbH – Head of Document Logistics
01.10.2016 – 28.02.2018 Business Process Consultant codia Software GmbH – Head of the office in Schwerin
01.03.2016 – 30.09.2017 Managing Director codia Scan-Logistik GmbH in 49716 Meppen
01.06.2014 – 29.02.2016 Team leader of the scanning services department at codia Software GmbH
photo gallery
business skills
Government and eFile, legal and technical basics (OwiG, SigG, TR 03138, TR 03125, ISO 27001), EfA SaaS solutions,
DMS / ECM systems (d.velop documents, OS, RegiSafe, ELO, ecoDMS, PDV VISSuite, Fabasoft EGov-Suite, Realify, SeedDMS),
cloud systems (ownCloud, nextCloud, Pydio etc.) and decentralised DMS (d.velop foxdox),
audit-proof electronic archiving, process documentation, mass digitisation and attribution logics, capture
attribution logics, capture solutions (Ephesoft, Kofax, d.captureBatch, vueScan),
Barcode technologies, compression methods, OCR and ICR technologies, image processing hardware and software, cryptography technologies,
ectronic signature processes (EIDAS), PDF/A, ZUGFeRD,
EAM, AIIM modelling, process design and automation, low-code technologies and AI-based algorithms;
OZG and web front-end solutions; social intranets; AR / VR / XR technologies
Website- and webshop-design (wordpress, Incomedia, Joomla, Typo 3, WooCommerce, Shopware)
BP-modells (BPMN, FIM, UML)
robotic process automation (LowCode-Platforms; formsflow, camunda)
language skills
german (mother tongue)
english (advanced)
frensh (basics)
General higher education entrance qualification
IT specialist (SI)
AEVO and recognition of professional qualification Aptitude for SI and SD training programmes
IHK examiner for IT specialists
ITIL V4 foundation
FIM method expert
BITKOM certificate AR Manager
d.velop documents Administraton
PDV VIS Administration
ecoDMS Administration
service provider
work under pressure, teamplayer, negotiating skills, innovator, seller, available worldwide
project management and controlling, personnel management, business & innovational strategy
trainer, examiner,
recruiter, speaker,
convincer, skill expander
private contact data
Zur Hemmstedde 2
48496 Hopsten

mail :     heiko@logemann.online

USt-ID: DE370506955

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